Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Very Impressed.

Dad, Me, Mom, Uncle George, Aunt Nora, & Linda

While we are competing we have very limited time to see the family and friends that have traveled all the way to China to cheer us on. After the game finishes and we have warmed down and showered we have about 30 minutes to see them. I try and get as many hugs and kisses in as possible, then we swap stories on life as we know it in China. (I always bring my dad a mini Snicker's bar from the athlete lounge by the pool. It makes him smile.)

Our family and friends have been doing a great job in the cheering department. The Chinese have hired whole sections of people, wearing yellow shirts equipped with noise makers and practiced chants to make a commotion during the games. But our throng of proud supporters always manages to be heard above the rest. And with their own personal flair!

This is Natalie Golda's posse: family friend Mary, brother Zack, and fiancee Eric.


Stan said...

Great photos. I see you managed to sneak some in despite the restrictions.

Great article on you in today's Contra Costa Times:

nagrundel said...

Heather, I'm following your blog with great interest! Love your descriptive notes. Cousin Nancy Grundel ( 1st cousin to Charlie )