Monday, May 7, 2007

Don't get distracted.

It is so easy to start cooking, find something else to do and forget all about what you were preparing. Until it starts burning and the aroma fills the kitchen. That brings you back real quick.

New food choice: Spelt.
Ever heard of it? It is yummy. An ancient wheat grain. Nutty flavor, fiber and protein. All good things!

You can get it at Trader Joes in a little box. TRY IT!
Note: Warm chicken broth is one of the ingredients....kinda smells like cat pee to me but don't let that deter you from trying it!!!


MariCanetti said...

petie I love your posts haha

Unknown said...

Irtep -

Not sure whether I should be impressed with your "web skills" or down right frightened.

Anyway, wheat germ - here's the thing; basic survival skill #3 - if it smells like pee, don't eat it.

Liz Grimes said...

When making hard boiled eggs, if you leave them on the stove too long, the water evaporates and the eggs exploded.

P Felton said...

It doesnt smell like cat pee but you should try Quinoa...I think that's the spelling....cooks up like rice but better for you...